Founded 1994
Let's Talk Plants!

Newsletter Advertising Rates

DEADLINE for space reservation: 10th of month prior to publication

DEADLINE for continuing ad copy: 15th of month prior to publication

DEADLINE for one time ad copy: 20th of month prior to publication

The San Diego Horticultural Society’s Newsletter, Let’s Talk Plants!, is published online on the first of every month at where it is regularly viewed by the 1000 plus members of the Society.  Our members include enthusiastic home gardeners, nursery owners, garden designers, garden writers, landscapers, and other horticultural professionals. Access to the newsletter is public and viewed by many non- SD Hort Society members.  The newsletter along with your ad can be viewed online by everyone with a horticultural interest.

We welcome advertisements from those who produce goods and services of particular interest to the horticultural community. We offer the following types of ads:**

  1. Static 300 pixels wide x 400 pixels high* monthly ad at the top of the home page immediately following the monthly meeting notice. $345/month; if prepaid for 1 year $2608 ($217.33/month)
  2. Static 300 pixels wide x 400 pixels high* monthly ad at the top of the home page immediately following the monthly meeting notice. $140/month; if prepaid for 1 year $1600 ($133/month)
  3. Large Slide - 300 pixels wide x 400 pixels high* monthly ad as part of a slide show of similar ads that displays on the home page. $70/month; if prepaid for one year: $418 ($34.83/month)
  4. Small Slide - 300 pixels wide x 200 pixels high* monthly ad as part of a slide show of similar ads that displays on the home page. $35/month; if prepaid for one year: $209 ($17.42/month)
  5. Static One-Time - 300 pixels wide x 400 pixels high* ad that displays on the home page as well as in the monthly newsletter Eblast. Only two per month; reserve early!! $165/if advertiser has a monthly ad; $310/without a regular monthly ad

All ads offer a click through to the advertiser’s home page (or other page of their choosing). An additional clickable button may appear below static ads, on request. The button can link to a PDF file or to a website where readers can obtain coupons or be alerted to special events or sales.

Submit the ad according to the pixel specification above as a .jpg (preferred) or PDF file to

For more information, pricing and ad reservations, contact Bob Clark, Advertising Manager, at, 858-270-8352.

* On a personal computer, 300 x 400 pixel ads show up as approximately ¼ of a standard 8 ½” x 11” page; 300 x 200 pixel ads are approximately 1/8 of a page. However, actual size will vary depending on whether the site is viewed on a PC, tablet or mobile phone.

** We offer a discount for non-profit advertisers.

Our Mission To inspire and educate the people of San Diego County to grow and enjoy plants, and to create beautiful, environmentally responsible gardens and landscapes.

Our Vision To champion regionally appropriate horticulture in San Diego County.


© 2025 San Diego Horticultural Society

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