Founded 1994
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  • Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast Party

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast Party

  • Sat, October 29, 2016
  • 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM
  • San Dieguito County Park, Solana Beach
  • 89


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Non-volunteer guests are $15 per person payable at checkin.
    Be sure and click "Add Guest" so we have a correct headcount.

Thank you to all our Volunteers!

Many thanks to our volunteers for doing their part. Let's continue to make SDHS the friendliest and most dynamic regional gardening group!

This year's Volunteer Appreciation event is a Breakfast in the Park Party at San Dieguito County Park in Solana Beach on Saturday October 29. It will be too good to miss! If you have volunteered for SDHS in the past year, YOU are invited! We will serve breakfast, give away prizes, and have some fun and games too. To add to the fun, we are asking attendees to bring a plant or cutting to exchange with other members.

(If you did not volunteer but want to join the fun, we need helping hands for the Party. Reply to this email and Patty will be in touch.)

There will be a delicious breakfast, lots of great door prizes and good company, guaranteed.

  • The breakfast party is for free for volunteers who have volunteered for a San Diego Horticulture in the past 12 months (since Oct 2015).
  • You must register to attend. 
  • Each invitee can bring one non-volunteer guest for $15 payable at the door - signup your guest when you register so we can get an accurate headcount.
  • Carpooling is strongly recommended - parking is limited. Wear comfortable all-terrain walking shoes.
  • Please bring a small plant or cutting for the plant exchange - something you'd be happy to take home and try in your garden
Our Mission To inspire and educate the people of San Diego County to grow and enjoy plants, and to create beautiful, environmentally responsible gardens and landscapes.

Our Vision To champion regionally appropriate horticulture in San Diego County.


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