Colin Khoury
Science & Conservation At The San Diego Botanic Garden
Colin Khoury, Senior Director of Science and Conservation at the San Diego Botanic Garden, provides an overview of their current and upcoming plant science and conservation programs aimed at addressing society's greatest challenges, from biodiversity loss to climate change, food insecurity to environmental degradation.

Photo courtesy
The San Diego Botanic Garden's ongoing efforts toward the conservation of rare, useful, and other interesting plants - including bamboos, cycads, and several native species - have expanded dramatically in recent years. Their science and conservation programs are taking shape with three major areas of emphasis: California native plants, medicinal plants, and food and agricultural plants. Many of these programs are innovative in the ways they merge efforts that are conventionally done in isolation – conservation combined with education, habitat protection with horticulture, and wild plant botany with food security. They are similarly exciting in the ways they bring together local, state, and national agencies and governments, like-minded community and nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, Native American and other Indigenous communities, and industry partners to work for people and for the planet. While we celebrate this growth, we are keenly aware that there is so much more to be done around San Diego and further afield to help conserve, raise awareness about, increase access to, and make wise use of plant diversity.
Rosa minutifolia Photo: Rachel Cobb
Colin Khoury is the Senior Director of Science and Conservation at the San Diego Botanic Garden, in Encinitas, working to conserve plants and educate people about the wonders of plant life. Colin holds a PhD from Wageningen University in the Netherlands and a Master of Science from the University of Birmingham, UK, and has held posts at academic, nonprofit, industry, government, and international organizations in the US, Europe, and South America.

- Social hour begins at 6 PM. We invite guests to bring cuttings and flowers from their garden to display before the meeting
- Presentations begin at 6:45 PM and will also be via zoom.
- Free for SDHS Members; $15 Non-members, $10 Non-members via zoom
- Free, easy parking at the Congregation Beth Israel. SDHS members and guests may park in the Beth Israel entered from Golden Haven Road. An elevator by the guard booth is available to access the meeting level.
- In the event that the lot is full, Beth Israel has arranged for parking in the adjacent Gateway Building parking lot. Bring parking ticket to the meeting for validation.